
Our experience is that most data sets have various unique features, so ZS is an unopinionated format: we give you a hunk of JSON and a pile of binary records, and let you figure out what to put in them. But, it is nice to have some conventions for how to handle common situations. As more people use the format, these will probably evolve, but for now here are some notes.


[XX document the metadata being used in the current gbooks files]:

"build-info": {
    "host": "",
    "user": "njsmith",
    "time": "2014-04-21T23:56:47.225267Z",
    "version": "zs 0.0.0-dev"
"corpus": "google-books-eng-us-all-20120701",
"subset": "2gram",
"record-format": {
    "separator": "\t",
    "column-types": [
    "type": "separated-values",
    "column-names": [

Some other items you might want to consider including:

  • Information on the preprocessing pipeline that led to this file (for answering questions like, “is this the version that had case-sensitivity enabled, or disabled?”)
  • Bibliographic references for papers that users of this data might want to refer to or cite.
  • Your contact information.
  • Any relevant DOIs or ORCIDs.

Record format

The ZS format itself puts absolutely no limitations on the contents of individual records. You can encode your data any way you feel like. However, because indexing is done by ASCIIbetical sort order, it’s probably a good idea to choose an encoding which makes sort order meaningful. Some general principles:

  • Put the field you want to index on first; if you want to be able to index on multiple fields simultaneously, put them first, second, third, etc.

  • Beware of quoting. This arises especially for common CSV formats, where fields containing the characters , or " often get special handling. For example, suppose we have some nice, sorted, n-grams:

    'Tis Hamlet 's character . " Naked ! "
    'Tis now the very witching time
    What a piece of work is a man !
    to be , or not to be
    to be disjoint and out of frame

    Notice that thanks to the sorting, all the n-grams that share a common prefix like 'Tis or to be have been nicely grouped together. Now, let’s use standard CSV writing software (I used Python’s csv module) to encode these as a column in a CSV file, and then sort the result. What we end up with is a mess:

    "'Tis Hamlet 's character . "" Naked ! """
    "to be , or not to be"
    'Tis now the very witching time
    What a piece of work is a man !
    to be disjoint and out of frame

    Notice that every entry that contained a , or " has been wrapped in "‘s. If we want to find n-grams beginning 'Tis or to be then a simple prefix search will no longer work; when we want to find records with the prefix foo we have to remember always to search for both foo and "foo.

    Ideally there is some character that you know will never occur in any field, and you can use that for your separator – then no quoting is ever needed. This might be tab (\t), or if you get desperate then there are other options like NUL (\00) or newline (\n) – though with these latter options you’ll lose some of the convenience of browsing your data with simple tools like zs dump, and may have to play around a bit more with zs make‘s options to construct your file in the first place.

    Alternatively, other quoting schemes (e.g., replacing , with \\, and \\ with \\\\) may not perfectly preserve sorting, but they do preserve prefix searches, which is often the important thing.

  • Beware of standard number formats. String-wise, "10" is less than "2", which is a problem if you want to be able to do range queries on numeric data in ZS files. Some options for working around this include using fixed-width strings ("10" and "02"), or using some kind of big-endian binary encoding. Note that the ASCII space character (0x20) sorts before all printing characters, including digits. This means that instead of padding with zeroes like in "02", it will also work to pad with spaces, " 2". Fixed width formats in general can be cumbersome to work with, but they do have excellent sorting properties.

    In the Google n-grams, the year field fortunately turns out to be fixed width (at least until Google gets their papyrus scanner running). And for the actual count fields, this formatting issue doesn’t arise, because we have no reason to index on counts.

  • Beware of little-endian Unicode and surrogate pairs. ASCII, UTF-8, and UTF-32BE all have sensible sort orders (i.e., ASCIIbetical sort on the encoded strings is the same as lexicographic sort on Unicode code points). This is definitely not true for UTF-16LE or UTF-32LE, and is not quite true for UTF-16BE, because of the existence of surrogate pairs (see e.g.).

    Of course, if all you want are exact prefix searches, then these issues don’t really matter.

    We recommend using UTF-8 unless you have a good reason not to.

    Note that the zs command-line tool has a mild bias towards UTF-8, in that if you pass it raw Unicode characters for --start, --stop, or --prefix, then it encodes them as UTF-8 before doing the search.

If these issues turn out to cause enough problems, it may makes sense at some point to define a revised version of the ZS format which has an explicit schema for record contents, and uses a content-sensitive sort order (e.g., one that knows to use numeric comparison on numeric fields).