Project logisticsΒΆ


You need either Python 2.7, or else Python 3.3 or greater.

Because zs includes a C extension, you’ll also need a C compiler and Python headers. On Ubuntu or Debian, for example, you get these with:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev

Once you have the ability to build C extensions, then on Python 3 you should be able to just run:

pip install zs

On Python 2.7, things are slightly more complicated: here, zs requires the backports.lzma package, which in turn requires the liblzma library. On Ubuntu or Debian, for example, something like this should work:

sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev
pip install backports.lzma
pip install zs

zs also requires the following packages: six, docopt, requests. However, these are all pure-Python packages which pip will install for you automatically when you run pip install zs.

Code and bug tracker:
Nathaniel J. Smith <>
Developer dependencies (only needed for hacking on source):
  • Cython: needed to build from checkout
  • nose: needed to run tests
  • nose-cov: because we use multiprocessing, we need this package to get useful test coverage information
  • nginx: needed to run HTTP tests
2-clause BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.