On-disk layout of ZS files

This page provides a complete specification of version 0.10 of the ZS file format, along with rationale for specific design choices. It should be read by anyone who plans to implement a new reader or writer for the format, or is just interested in how things work under the covers.


ZS is a read-only database format designed to store a multiset of records, where each record is an uninterpreted string of binary data. The main design goals are:

  • Locating an arbitrary record, or sorted span of records, should be fast.
  • Doing a streaming read of a large span of records should be fast.
  • Hardware is unreliable, especially on the scale of terabytes and years, and ZS is designed for long-term archival of multi-terabyte data. Therefore it must be possible to quickly and reliably validate the integrity of the data returned by every operation.
  • It should be reasonably efficient to access files over slow, “dumb” transports like HTTP.
  • Files should be as small as possible while achieving the above goals.

The main complication influencing ZS’s design is that compression is necessary to achieve reasonable storage sizes, but decompression is slow, block-oriented, and inherently serial, which puts the last goal in direct conflict with the first two. Compressing a chunk of data is like wrapping it up into an opaque bundle. The only way to find something inside is to first unwrap (decompress) the whole thing. This is why it won’t work to simply write our data into a large text file and then use a standard compression program like gzip on the whole thing. If we did this, then the only way to find any piece of data would be to decompress the whole file, which takes ages. Instead, we need some way to split our data up into multiple smaller bundles. Once we’ve done this, reading individual records can be fast, because we only have to unwrap a single small bundle, not a huge one. And, it turns out, splitting up our data into multiple bundles also makes bulk reads faster. For a large read, we have to unpack the same amount of total data regardless of whether it’s divided into small bundles or not, so the total work is constant. But, in the multiple-bundle case, we can easily divvy up this work across multiple CPUs, and thus finish the job more quickly. So, small bundles are great – but, they also have a downside: if we make our bundles too small, then the compression algorithm won’t be able to find many redundancies to compress out, and so our compression ratio will not be very good. In particular, trying to compress individual records would be hopeless.

Our solution is to bundle records together into moderately-sized blocks, and then compress each block. Then we add some framing to let us figure out where each block starts and ends, and add an index structure to let us quickly find which blocks contain records that match some query, and ta-da, we have a ZS file. The resulting structure looks like this:

Fast lookup for arbitrary records is supported by a tree-based indexing scheme: the header contains a pointer to the “root” index block, which in turn refers to other index blocks, which refer to other index blocks, until eventually the lowest-level index blocks refer to data blocks. By following these links, we can locate any arbitrary record in \(O(\log n)\) time.

In addition, we require data blocks to be arranged in sorted order within the file. This allows us to do streaming reads starting from any point, which makes for nicely efficient disk access patterns. And range queries are supported by combining these two access strategies: first we traverse the index to figure out which blocks contain records that fall into our range, and then we do a streaming read across these blocks.

General notes


The key words “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


To achieve our data integrity goals, every byte in a ZS file that could possibly contain undetected corruption is protected by a 64-bit CRC. Specifically, we use the same CRC-64 calculation that the .xz file format does. The Rocksoft model parameters for this CRC are: polynomial = 0x42f0e1eba9ea3693, reflect in = True, init = 0xffffffffffffffff, reflect out = True, xor out = 0xffffffffffffffff, check = 0x995dc9bbdf1939fa.

Integer representations

Within the ZS header, we make life easier for simple tools like file by encoding all integers using fixed-length 64-bit little-endian format (u64le for short).

Outside of the header, integers are encoded in the uleb128 format, familiar from the DWARF debugging format. Okay, maybe not so familiar. This is a simple variable-length encoding for unsigned integers of arbitrary size using unsigned little-endian base-128. To read a uleb128 value, you proceed from the beginning of the string, one byte at a time. The lower 7 bits of each byte give you the next 7 bits of your integer. This is little-endian, so the first byte gives you the least-significant 7 bits of your integer, then the next byte gives you bits 8 through 15, the one after that the bits 16 through 23, etc. The 8th, most-significant bit of each byte serves as a continuation byte. If this is 1, then you keep going and read the next byte. If it is 0, then you are done. Examples:

uleb128 string  <->  integer value
--------------       -------------
            00                0x00
            7f                0x7f
         80 01                0x80
         ff 20              0x107f
80 80 80 80 20             2 ** 33

(This format is also used by protocol buffers, by the XZ file format, and others.) This format allows for redundant representations by adding leading zeros, e.g. the value 0 could also be written 80 00. However, doing so is forbidden; all values MUST be encoded in their shortest form.

Layout details

Here’s the big picture – refer to it while reading the full details below.

ZS files consist of a magic number, followed by a header, followed by a sequence of blocks. Blocks come in two types: data blocks, and index blocks.

Magic number

To make it easy to distinguish ZS files from non-ZS files, every valid ZS file begins with 8 magic bytes. Specifically, these ones (written in hex, with ASCII below):

ab 5a 53 66 69 4c 65 01   # Good magic
    Z  S  f  i  L  e

If there’s ever an incompatible ZS version 2, we’ll use the last byte as a version number.

Writing out a large ZS file is an involved operation that might take a long time. It’s possible for a hardware or software problem to occur and cause this process to be aborted before the file is completely written, leaving behind a partial, corrupt ZS file. Because ZS is designed as a reliable archival format we would like to avoid the possibility of confusing a corrupt file with a correct one, and because writing ZS files can be slow, after a crash we would like to be able to reliably determine whether the writing operation completed, and whether we can trust the file left behind. Therefore we also define a second magic number to be used specifically for partial ZS files:

ab 5a 53 74 6f 42 65 01   # Bad magic
    Z  S  t  o  B  e

It is RECOMMENDED that ZS file writers perform the following sequence:

  • Write out the ZStoBe magic number.
  • Write out the rest of the ZS file.
  • Update the header to its final form (including, e.g., the offset of the root block).
  • (IMPORTANT) Sync the file to disk using fsync() or equivalent.
  • Replace the ZStoBe magic number with the correct ZSfiLe magic number.

Following this procedure guarantees that, modulo disk corruption, any file which begins with the correct ZS magic will in fact be a complete, valid ZS file.

Any file which does not begin with the correct ZS magic is not a valid ZS file, and MUST be rejected by ZS file readers. Files with the ZStoBe magic are not valid ZS files. However, polite ZS readers SHOULD generally check for the ZStoBe magic, and if encountered, provide an informative error message while rejecting the file.


Blocks themselves all have the same format:

  • Length (uleb128): The length of the data in the block. This does not include either the length field itself, or the trailing CRC – see diagram.
  • Level (u8): A single byte encoding the “level” of this block. Data blocks are level 0. Index blocks can have any level between 1 and 63 (inclusive). Other levels are reserved for future backwards-compatible extensions; compliant readers MUST silently ignore any block with its level field set to 64 or higher.
  • Compressed payload (arbitrary data): The rest of the block after the level is a compressed representation of the payload. This should be decompressed according to the value of the codec field in the header, and then interpreted according to the rules below.
  • CRC-64-xz (u64le): CRC of the data in the block. This does not include the length field – see diagram. Note that this is calculated directly on the raw disk representation of the block, compression and all.

Technically we don’t need to store the length at the beginning of each block, because every block also has its length stored either in an index block or (for the root block) in the header. But, storing the length directly at the beginning of each block makes it much simpler to write naive streaming decoders, reduces seeks during streaming reads, and adds negligible space overhead.

Data block payload

Data block payloads encode a list of records. Each record has the form:

  • Record length (uleb128): The number of bytes in this record.
  • Record contents (arbitrary data): That many bytes of data, making up the contents of this record.

Then this is repeated as many times as you want.

Every data block payload MUST contain at least one record.

Index block payload

Index block payloads encode a list of references to other index or data blocks.

Each index payload entry has the form:

  • Key length (uleb128): The number of bytes in the “key”.
  • Key value (arbitrary data): That many bytes of data, making up the “key” for the pointed-to block. (See below for the invariants this key must satisfy.)
  • Block offset (uleb128): The file offset at which the pointed-to block is located.
  • Block length (uleb128): The length of the pointed-to block. This includes the root index block’s length and CRC fields; the idea is that doing a single read of this length, a the given offset, will give us the root index itself. This is an important optimization when IO has high-latency, as when accessing a ZS file over HTTP.

Then this is repeated as many times as you want.

Every index block payload MUST contain at least one entry.

Key invariants

All comparisons here use ASCIIbetical order, i.e., lexicographic comparisons on raw byte values, as returned by memcmp().

We require:

  • The records in each data block payload MUST be listed in sorted order.

  • If data block A occurs earlier in the file (at a lower offset) than data block B, then all records in A are REQUIRED to be less-than-or-equal-to all records in B.

  • Every block, except for the root block, MUST be referenced by exactly one index block.

  • An index block of level \(n\) MUST only reference blocks of level \(n - 1\). (Data blocks are considered to have level 0.)

  • The keys in each index block payload MUST occur in sorted order.

  • To every block, we assign a span of records as follows: data blocks span the records they contain. Index blocks span all the records that are spanned by the blocks that they point to (recursively). Given this definition, we can state the key invariant for index blocks: every index key MUST be less-than-or-equal-to the first record which is spanned by the pointed-to block, and MUST be greater-than-or-equal-to all records which come before this record.


    According to this definition, it is always legal to simply take the first record spanned by a block, and use that for its key. But we do not guarantee this; advanced implementations might take advantage of this flexibility to choose shorter keys that are just long enough to satisfy the invariant above. (In particular, there’s nothing in ZS stopping you from having large individual records, up into the megabyte range and beyond, and in this case you might well prefer not to copy the whole record into the index block.)

Notice that all invariants use non-strict inequalities; this is because the same record might occur multiple times in different blocks, making strict inequalities impossible to guarantee.

Notice also that there is no requirement about where index blocks occur in the file, though in general each index will occur after the blocks it points to, because unless you are very clever you can’t write an index block until after you have written the pointed-to blocks and recorded their disk offsets.

Specification history

  • Version 0.10: Remove support for the bz2 compression format.
  • Version 0.9: First public release.